Chapter Three:✴Growing World✴

[Lower Sindar Dockyards/Station Dock 08/The Luna-Bella]

Along the steep drop off of Alora's massive ledge, the Lower Sindar Dockyards are buzzing with activity. The metal plated floors of the Station Docks glint from the late morning sun.

The Station Docks jut out of the main path of the Dockyards and hover steadily in the open air beyond the safety of the rock ledge. Airships float lazily next to the Anchor Chains holding them in place. There El-Thrusters and Sphere Engines powered down, a flock of Steelots fly over the anchored Airships and upwards to the surface of the Canyon. The Identification Numbers of the Station Docks are painted on large square metal signs, from 01 to 10.

The symbols of the I.M.M and T.L are placed beside the large numbers:

A crescent moon with a cats slitted eye resting in the empty curved space of the moon, all of it in a bright orange colour with a black border surrounding the edges.

A white three feathered wing with a blue ring of stars circulating it.

The symbols show the co-ownership the associations have on the desert planets Dockyards. The Station Docks 01, 03, 06 and 08 were all currently in use. Two Caravels, a Scrapper and a Dashsloop floated idly in the air, all of them had a flair to them that matched there captains taste and personality. Still one could tell the Class Model they had originated from.

There are four Airhsip Class Models that are the most commonly used. From the sleek and fast Dashsloop to the frankenstein mess that is a Scrapper. The largest Class Model is that of the Caravel and second largest is the Schooner. These four Models where developed by the Traversa League, a solar system wide mega-corporation primarily involved in anything related to traveling - including any form of transport, land/aquatic/aerial/space ships and vehicles.

Airship and Spaceship Class Model technology and manufacturing may be mainly covered by the Traversa League, but there are still some lesser known companies out there who have found there little niche in this crowded market. The main HQ of the T.L calls Pandrosa- the central city of the Panphar Empire - it's home. The Mega-City on Panphar- the crown planet of the Empire- is where much of there manufacturing shipyards and warehouses are placed. They like the majority of the solar system's bigger companies have Branch Centers scattered across the other four planets.

The Airships of Coradelse are made from the Skeletal Base Structures of Outdated Class Models the Traversa League had stopped manufacturing years ago. Yet the people of this mineral and metal ore rich planet have no problems with using old tech, thanks to the Pawcycle Junkyards. Large domed buildings where unwanted, old crystalteknogoly and parts from the Traversa League are sent to be recycled by the I.M.M funded facilities. Recycled down to their base parts and materials that are than reintroduced into the markets and shops.

Pawcycle Junkyards are the results of a business contract the I.M.M made with the T.L, just one out of many contracts and deals they have between each other. The League Recycle Plan or the C.L.P for short.

The I.M.M and T.L have split the Geo earned from these facilities with each other. The Traversa League gets a fair amount of these recycled materials for their use, while the rest is put up for sale. The I.M.M has also opened up the Pawcycle JunkShops, where some of the older Crystalteknology parts and pieces are sold for a cheaper price than the newer and latest tech. The Pawcycle Junkyards and JunkShops are exclusive to Coradelse, nowhere else has them or are allowed to set up sights like them.

One such JunkShop is located somewhere in the Alora Outskirts, people often travel to Coradelse just to buy from the shops. Because of the cheap prices these shops have on there inventories, the use of old tech has become a planetwide practice. Shipwrights and Engineers of all kinds have popped over Coradelse, a culture of tech savvy and clever people mainly focused around tinkering with antique models of technology. The Interplanetary Myakat Merchants has also picked up the practice in using some older tech as well. The I.M.M is another solar system wide company that involves itself heavily in all things related to Geo. The I.M.M members consists only of Myakats and has been like this since its founding.

The company is responsible for many things. From the heavily protected Waystations scattered across the Star Paths- Charted routes out in space that have heavy traffic along them and the five planets. To Myan Banks housed in nearly every decently sized town and major city, trading and storing peoples Geo for them in their high security and thick Bank Vaults. And the Purrumble Express, a group of traders who travel around the Alteon Solar System, selling, buying and shipping wares. They have many ties and business contracts with the T.L, R.R.U, P.G.C and other such groups. The Interplanetary Myakat Merchants main headquarters is located in Nyrion, the capital of Coradelse.

At Station Dock 08 was one of the Caravels it's Class Model fleshed out with parts bought from one of the Pawcycle JunkShop found in Coradelse's settlements. The name of the Airship was known by many in the Dockyards and beyond. The Luna-Bella, a vessel that had once belonged to a famous Ruin Hunter Team known as the Misfits. A group of five whose history was well known by the town, for there many successful Expeditions and kind deeds. But those days are over both for the ship and the Misfits.

The famous team met a tragic end 5 years ago. All due to an ambush the notorious Sand Sanke Raiders had launched on them during one of their Expeditions. It is rumoured that the Raiders had even some of the widely hated Daesina with them, they had attacked the team for the Relic they had discovered and retrieved from the infamously dangerous Agi-dexo city desert ruins known as Agnero.

Out of 5 only two managed to escape and retreat to Alora. One still remains active running her agency in the town and the other, he retired. Spending his days on the Luna-Bella with his daughter and ferrying people and goods between the two Dockyards. Airships like the Luna-Bella are built using a combination of materials, in fact all Airship Class Models use them. Elumeta, Ultrasteel, and Aeroz. Other more regular materials are used in the finishing touches on the Airship.

Elumeta is a commonly found metal, but it is highly sought after for it's Elemura conductive properties. The metal once processesed has a coppery bronze tinge to it, the raw ore is mined and collected from Coradelse and Gryrodren. Ultrasteel is an artificially created metal. When Elumeta and Mythril are mixed together with Admanta- a metal capable of withstanding ridiculous amounts of heat and cold- it fuses together to create the widely used Ultrasteel.

Ultrasteel is utilized in many Spacefairing tech and Airships. Some of the Alteon Knights Mecha-Armor uses it and it is also used in the S.E.M Suits of the Humans. Aeroz is a light material that is collected from a unique plant farmed on the Vydruma's home planet. It is harvested from the Aero imbued floating trees known as Windpalms. Aeroz when cut and processed turns into a green tinged wood that practically floats in the air. Often times it has to be tied down so it won't drift away.

Airship Skeletal Base Structures are built using this unique wood. It is reinforced and fleshed out with the Utlrasteel. Gravity Controllers powered by Eldyna Spheres and slotted with Gaianite and Lumanite Eldyne Crystals, are programmed to keep the weight and flight levels of the ships in check. Elumeta is interwoven throughout an Airships entire circuitry and main processers. Allowing the preprogrammed Templates inputted into the other Crystalteknology to work seamlessly with each other.

The Sphere Engines power and control the El-Thrusters and Aerodyna Wings on the Airships. All of this is controlled and monitored using the ships Command Matrix, a complex computer system found on the Bridge or Cockpit of said Airship or Spaceship. Navigation is charted and planned with the help of the Alteon X-Map , a constantly updating map connected to the Xnet - which is earths equivalent of the internet, but on a solar system-wide scale. Though that feature is mainly used for outerspace travel and planetary travel. Experienced pilots are capable of flying manually without the help of the onboard Autopilot Guidance System or A.G.S.

The Luna-Bella had the usual boxy stern, arrow-shaped bow and wide body associated with the Caravel Class Airship Models. The keel or belly of the ship is round and curved, the starboard and port sides of the ships hull bulge out slightly. Caravels have a larger holding space and living quarters below the main deck, they also have private quarters for the Captain.

The hull and the outside parts of the Luna-Bella is covered in Mythril and Ultrasteel plating, all of it coated in a layer of dark green and gold paint. Much of her metal skin is scuffed and worn down from age and exposure to heated battles. The upper part of the stern or back of the ship is flat and box-like, further down it starts to curve into the hull and keel. The main deck or poop decks floor is covered in wooden planks, metal railings ride along the edges of the deck from the bow and Captain's Cabin. The Luna-Bella's Cabin is boxy with large round windows peaking out of the left and right outer walls.

A heavy metal door is set into the middle of the Cabins front, its the entrance into the private quarters. A spiraling staircase of metal sits to the right of the doorway, leading upwards into the Luna-Bella's Bridge. It's a slightly domed room placed above the Captains Cabin. A line of see threw protective glass panels runs around the dome, allowing the Captain to see all around him. To left of the metal door is a square wooden trapdoor cut into the floor of the main deck. It was open its lid leaning against the wall and revealing the metal and wood staircase leading into the inner depths of the ship.

Stretching out of the middle left and right sides of the hull are long mechanical fin-like wings, the Aerodyna Wings. The Main A.Wings helps in stabilizing the flight trajectory of the ship, another pair of these wings jut out from the lower hull portion of the bow. These one's are a little smaller -the Frontal A.Wings. The A.Wing Rudder sits just at the back end bottom of the ship. Two larger El-Thrusters are bolted to the side ends of the ships stern and a set of smaller El-Thrusters are located on the upper sides of her arrow shaped bow.

El-Thrusters are large cylindrical rocket-like jets, the Sphere Engine is tide into their mechanical systems. The Sphere Engine has three different powered Eldyna Spheres placed within it's round metallic frame. Two of the Eldyna Spheres are slotted with Ventanite and Phirenite Eldyne Crystals, the Templates placed in these large batteries are coded to shoot high pressurized jets of flame into the El-Thrusters. The last Eldyna Sphere is used to power up the Gravity Controller built on top of the Sphere Engine. The Sphere Engine on the Luna-Bella is located below deck and near her stern, the engine and it's systems are directly linked into the Command Matrix.

Currently the Luna-Bella's El-Thrusters are powered down, the Gravity Controllers humming as they kept the Airship at an even weight and lined up to her Anchor Chain.

Going into the trapdoor and down the planked and metal sided staircase leads into a short hallway, the walls painted in the green and gold theme of the ship. A Wall Lantern hangs off of the right wall, it's glass orb dark indicating it is shutoff.

Enough sun light from the below deck entrance trickles into the dim interior, further down the hallway opens up into a large room, metal support poles shoot out of the planked floor and into the metal tiled ceiling. The sides of the room are slightly curved, plush hand woven rugs rest below the 4 hammocks strung up between the curved walls and support poles. The poles are placed evenly from each other and leaving a clear path in the middle of the living quarters. Wooden chests bolted to the floor rest beside the poles and hammacks, people can store some of their belongings into the chests. Out of the two Wall Lanturns bolted to the poles only one is currently turned on.

At the back end wall of the room is rectangular metal door leading into the cargo hold. The left far corner of that back wall is filled with a walled off bathroom, a simple shower stall shaped like a tall glass cubicle sits to the right corner of the bathroom. A white plaster sink and mirror are placed to the left far wall, a toilet and tiny storage cabinet sit beside the shower stall. The door is a wooden folding door with a darl metal doorknob. On the other end of the back wall is a small kitchen space, an oven/stove unit and sink is pressed against the back wall. The Crystaltek appliances are rigged into the rest of the ships systems, there is enough counterspace for a cutting board and sink.

The metal door to the cargo hold is wide open, light spills out of the doorway. Past the door and stacked crates filled with all kinds of goods and necessities was a male Faydel rummaging through the cold foods stored into the silver metal freezer/fridge storage unit resting against the cargo holds back wall. The metal door to the Airships Engine Room sat a few feet away from the man. This Faydel was the Luna-Bella's Captian. Captain Nix Psynemo, doting father of Aris Psynemo.

He was 5.2 feet tall with sun-kissed tanned skin. His long white hair was neatly braided, a few bangs fell over his right sapphire flicked silver eye. The long tail of a braid fell between his shoulder blades and black moth-like wings. The wings where pressed to his back and patterned with light grey stripes. His left pointed ear was pierced, a golden looped earing hanging on it. A black stringed necklace with a single ornamental amber hung around his neck.

He wore a sleeveless dark green and gold vest, it was left open revealing his scarred and well- toned upper body. He wore a pare of dark leather bracers around his wrists. On the upper parts of his right bicep and fused into his flesh, was his Crymedal. The Clear Crystal and elemental Elemura imbued Eldyne Crystal shards glowed dimly on it's round and bronze shaded surface. He had a pair of dark green pants on his lower body, the bottom hem of them ending in a puffy fashion. A leather utility belt was buckled around his waist, as well as his sharp and sturdy sabre. He had a pair of well-worn black leather shoes on his feet, with metal soles.


'Hm, water an' foodstuffs are all in da green, includin' my little Imp's favourite snacks.' I think as I add a check mark to my mental list of things I had created this morning. I shut the sliver metal door to the frozen food storage unit and turn around to stare at the cargoholds contents I'd just recently rearranged and checked over.

I cross my arms and felt satisfied that everything in my cargoholds inventory was just right. The stacked barrels and crates filled with some dry foods and other necessities where all securely held in place by the thick ropes I had wrapped around them and tied up to the floor and wall hooks. I even managed to make some space in case some of passengers I would end up ferrying between the Dockards needed to store away some of their stuff.

Resting in the middle of the cargo hold was the large metal support beam I'd put some of my old Raya Ranger gear around it's base. Higher up the pole was the lit up Pryo Lamps, a larger and brighter version of a Wall Lantern. It's glass bulb was bigger and was put underneath the central box shaped unit. A round and conical flattish lamp shade surrounded the glass bulb. The light switch for turning the Lamps off was on the end of the room near the entrance to the living quarters.

I uncrossed my arms and turned away from the cargo hold, I wanted to double check over everything in the Engine Room. I was just starting to walk towards the thick metal door when I felt the Bond I had with my Rayajinn Familiar stir. My long pointed ears twitched at the sound of skittering stone claws on wood, I turn and grin as the Beast Familia and Terra aligned Rayajinn scurried over to me. I felt Pips mind brush against mine, the Bond carried his emotions and simpler thoughts to me. ~{Warm/Sun/Hello/Friend/Come/Carry, }~ I received images of the Chipmace sunning himself on the main deck and a view point of my shoulder.

I laughed in response to my Familiar's telepathic and empathic message. I bent down to my knees and lowered my hand to the floor, sending warm fondness and thoughts back to my old Raya Ranger partner. Seconds later, Pip came into my line of sight, his round and overly fluffy dark brown fur covered body scurrying towards my hand. Pips tiny paws and feet thumped against the floorboards, his dark grey stone claws clacked as he ran.

His chipmunk-like head was adorned with three small dark grey stone horns, all three growing out of the middle of his forehead and between his small triangular ears. Large black almond shaped eyes lit up as he saw me, his eyes where placed in the front like a cats. My Familiar opened his short and narrow muzzle and greeted me with a growly and deep chirp. His small beige coloured nose sat just above his mouth, large round cheeks rested at the sides of his dark brown muzzle. Curling out of his behind was his thinly furred tail, it was long and was strong enough to support the dark grey stone spiked mace tip at end of it.

I warmly smiled at Pip, watching as he hopped onto my hand and carefully crawled up my arm. His tiny clawed fore paws grasped at my lightly tanned skin, I felt how careful he was on not hurting me as he moved to sit on my left shoulder. Pip nuzzled his large furry cheeks against my face as I stood up, then looked up to meet my sapphire and silver flaked eyes. ~{Aris/Fun!/Work/Play?}~ Pip asked me through our Bond, images of my daughter working alongside me and playing with him took shape after his thoughts.

I grinned widely and sent a joyful amused rush of emotions through the psychic and invisible Bond shared between our minds. I answered Pip as I moved and unlatched the heavy lock on the Engine Rooms door. "Aye, dat be right. My little Imp is a comin' out to help with da work terday. Asked me yesterday if she could, said yes, I know yeh like to spend time with 'er." I felt Pip's excitement and chuckled. "Don't mind if yah hang around with her terday, just don't be to distractin' Pip!" I heard him release a low growly sqweak before rubbing his against mine.

I pulled open the Engine Rooms door and turned to watch as my Rayajinn Familiar jumped off my shoulder and hook his long tail around my arm. His spiky mace tip of his tail prickled and thumped against my skin, Pip swayed before swinging himself down to the floor, landing with a loud heavy thump. He turned around and chittered at me, waving his forepaws in the air. Images of him heading up to the top deck and Aris flying down towards the Luna-Bella flowed through the Bond.

I waved my hand at him and nodded towards the cargo hold. "Ha! Ya'd think she was da one with da Bond instead! Go on up, just make to tell me when she's hear." Pip stood on his hind legs and raised a paw to his forehead. ~{Wait/Aris/Tell/Thanks}~ He mentally replied cheerfully back to me. He nodded and scampered off to the main deck. I smiled and walked into the Engine Room, the soft low humming of the machines around me was music to my ears.

I couldn't wait to see Aris, my mischievous and sunny little Imp.