The Unaffliated

On his way to the market, winding between the decrepit buildings and avoiding the shadier alleyways Ambitan still, unfortunately, found himself in the face of a roadblock.

It seemed like the Gnashers were expanding their territory, thankfully Ambitan still maintained a measure of safety here in the Slums. If it were to be in the dumps it would be open season on him.

The Gnashers weren't able to act freely as they would be limited by the movements of the other factions. Oddly enough, the conflicts between the different factions worked in a way to create an uneasy stability of sorts.

The Gnashers looked like they were going to approach him so Ambitan visibly shoved a hand within his rags. Then he leaned forward and started to accentuate the limp in his leg.

By posing like this it looked like he had just gotten out of a fight as the victor, as while that alone wouldn't dissuade anyone from cleaning up the spoils the hand stuffed inside his rags made it appear that he was holding some sort of weapon.

Not any big form of gun-powder weaponry but a shank or shiv would gut someone all the same. And even if these men were expendable and brainless, no one would foot the medical cost if they were to be gutted. That is if the medicine could be procured in the first place.

So Ambitan's passage wasn't delayed in the slightest.

After making it through that slight roadblock, a little ways off from that, an Unaffiliated moved to block his path.

"Hey, fucker! Where do you think you're going?"

Some surrounding heads turned towards the commotion but ultimately decided that it wasn't worth the effort.

As always Ambitan was stranded alone.

"What's it your business that you know where I'm going huh?"

Ambitan pulled out the tried and true method of returning aggression with aggression. If you backed down by the slightest you would be fleeced of all your goods by the end of the day.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm asking the goddamn questions here!" the Unaffiliated yelled.

Sometimes though a simple show of a willingness to resist wasn't enough and then the altercation would be drawn out.

Ambitan was still injured though, his bruises thankfully covered up well enough for others not to notice his weakness but he still wanted to avoid taking fights.

Therefore he would have to phrase his statements in a non-confrontational manner so as to reduce the possibilities of a fight actually breaking out.

Hopefully, some sort of faction crony would sprout up and chase off this Unaffiliated though.

Ambitan didn't know how long he could keep up this charade.

"And who exactly do you think you are, Mr. Unaffiliated? You can't do shit to me. Back the fuck off."

Hearing this, the Unaffiliated stepped even closer.

"You really believe I'm not going to gut you kid? Now dump all your shit and run the fuck off."

Seeing this Ambitan stuffed his hand in his rags again, pantomiming as if he was concealing a weapon.

"That trick ain't working on me kid. You think I haven't seen that shit before? Now run your shit before I actually get serious."

Hearing this a nervous sweat began to form along Ambitan's brow. His heart rate sped up as well, increasing his blood flow.

Adrenaline was secreted and the fight or flight response was kicking in.

On one hand, he could guarantee safety by handing over his items, but then all the work he had done over the past couple of days would've been for naught. Odds were without the supplies he would have to sell himself to simply survive. Either that or take his chances… out there.

On the other, he could struggle and put up some means of resistance. Surely some faction members have heard of what was going on by now. Ambitan knew they wouldn't take too kindly to someone encroaching on their territory. If he just stalled this Unaffiliated for long enough, he would probably be let off free. Or at least having to suffer only a mild protection fee.

There was also a third option, and Ambitan nervously glanced around looking for potential avenues of escape.

Looking around there were many bystanders, taking occasional glances at the ongoing events but quickly looking away, unwilling to involve themselves further than that.

There were many avenues open to him, Ambitan could do a 180 and try to sprint back out the way he came. There was a collapsed alleyway that was blocked off with rubble. The way to the markets was blocked by this Unaffiliated but there were also 2 alternative side alleys. The risk that came with taking those paths was that Ambitan had no idea where those could possibly lead.

The Unaffiliated was stalking closer and closer and Ambitan's mind whirled through the possibilities. However, he remained fixed on the ground, paralyzed to the point of inaction. From behind his back, the Unaffiliated withdrew a small butterfly knife. He twirled around between his fingers before brandishing it before him.

Raising it to his own throat, the Unaffiliated drew it across without breaking the skin with a twisted, sick grin.

As he got closer and closer the sweat accumulated faster and faster along the brow. The cheeks reddened and it felt as if the world was beating down upon Ambitan. But still, he stood there motionless, unable to move.

"Finally realize what shit you've gotten yourself in now bitch?" the Unaffiliated taunted.

The noise he made alerted Ambitan, finally awakening him from the panic-induced state of immobility. Hurriedly, he tucked himself in and rolled to the side, praying to avoid the knife that whooshed through the air.

Seeing that his strike had missed the Unaffiliated reoriented his posture before shaking out the kinks in his limbs.

"So the little boy got some spirit huh?"

Startled, Ambitan rapidly backpedaled kicking himself off the ground as he scampered away.

Unfortunately, the distance he had created wouldn't be enough, and the Unaffiliated crossed the distance before grabbing him by the back of the collar.

With a tug, Ambitan's entire body was pulled back despite how he tried to claw forward off the dirtied, ashen street.