"Wait, you are talking about Cal, right? As in THE Cal? CAL THE SWEUS? ... Man who killed a bounty hunter with his own bare hands? ... (Groans) where have you been? This guy is big news here and is considered a hero to Lenin's citizens, if it wasnt for him then they would not have their freedom returned to them!" The girl found it pointless to even explain it to Luke and just walked the streets with him. They came to a stop at the end of the road and near a river. Luke looked at the water with curiosity while the girl looked around the river, "I think we should call it a night... Come on." The girl followed Luke to wherever they were going until they came across a rundown hotel...
"Oh come on Eight, that story is lamer than my aunt's jammies breasts..." Eight punched Valid in the stomach,/"ah what's wrong big boy? Did I upset you?" Valid continued to act like an immature baby, "(groans) my head... What the... You again." Cal stood up, realizing that he was tied up, "great just great this is what I get for helping a drunk!" Nooz did a karate kick on Call's neck almost leading him to lose his voice, "don't say nother word... You show respect, Luke!" Cal was confused when she said his name was Luke, must be referencing someone from another planet or something. "Listen I am sorry for what happened but I was being experimented on like a lab rat in there and it was not my fault that the fleet was after me!" They all looked confused as if they didn't know what Cal was referring to and that's when Cal started to realize something, "what do you guys do again?"
"We're... Nobodies... We weren't sent by the leader... We overheard one of their forces talking to a bounty hunter about a kid fitting your description... We thought that if we got you to them then we get the reward but that was a major lie... When we gave you in... They didn't even give us our reward... Only a thank you and a handshake after sending us back to Lenin and it was hard enough that we didn't have any money and worse was that we didn't know much about how to get money since they don't take euros. Finding you was a waste of our time like I said." Eight and Nooz looked at Valid, "okay I admit that it was a good idea but it was a waste of time in the end... Okay, we talked now it's your turn."
Cal talked about what happened, "what happened in the ship was I escaped and while being attacked by the purgists, I found the escape pods but I made a grave mistake of pushing a button that sent them to the fleet, they had no choice but to fight, I was about to leave but instead helped them which can be a grave mistake since I went back to Lenin to reunite with some friends and I just realised that there was a tracking device and now they'll be coming here." Eight lets go of Cal in a calm pace and told Cal to leave, "if they're coming here then it isn't worth being here... You'll only cause more trouble for us... GO! And don't show your face again." Cal stood up and he walked out of the door and watched as Eight slammed the door shut, Cal went back to the ship and overheard a conversation.
Male Purgist: We are going to Lenin to find those three scumbags?
Female Purgist: Weren't you paying any attention to what the captain said?
Male Purgist: Well I don't bother listening because I am awesome and better than the others.
Female Purgist: Well that overconfidence was how you lost your arm to the leader.
Male Purgist: he did say that we needed to learn loss so that's more of a lesson of being stronger than me being overconfident.
Female Purgist: You are hopeless... It would be a miracle if you are found under a carpet.
Male Purgist: You are just jealous because I am more of the leader's favourite.
Female Purgist: Whatever pug breath, at least my minimum is higher than yours.
Cal immediately ran back to Eight, "Eight! You need to leave quick... It's the purge... They're after you guys." Valid didn't seem convinced, Eight agreed with Valid but Nooz had that feeling in her bones as if Cal was not lying.
"And why should we trust you? How do we know that you are not going to sell us out or even set us up for a trap?" Valid made a good point, "because I wouldn't let people like that hurt people like you... Look I thought you guys were working with them but now I realise that... You only did what you did to survive and I can relate to that since I gad to go through 20 years of surviving by myself... Let me at least help you... Please." They all scepticism in their eyes but they reluctantly agreed but with a threat, "any funny business then you'll meet my feet up to your arse."