Mysterious Room

Chapter 6


I followed behind Meadow and walked into the area of Geilas' house that resembled a kitchen. I noticed to the left of the table set with plates, there was an antique stove that was lit by fire. A couple of cast iron pans still sizzled with delicious smells of fresh herbs and spice. To the right of the table was a wash basin. Clearly there was not plumbing in this cabin.

"Some people really love to live off the grid" I thought to myself.

I took in the rest of the modest living area. There weren't many decorations, and not one picture. I found that odd. Even Ms. Hanafrey had pictures of herself up in her group home. This living space, though cozy, was seriously lacking personal touches. I turned my attention away from the aesthetic of the space to my sisters taking their seats with Geilas at the table. I took my seat beside Alda. Wren and sat across from us and Geilas sat at the end of the table.

"Dig in ladies, I'm sure it has been a long journey so far!" Geilas smiled and she handed Meadow the bowl of stew to serve herself. I notice a loaf of fresh baked bread, already slice. I grabbed a few slices for myself and Alda. "Oh, there is fresh butter, let me grab it." She got up from the table and came back with a small serving dish with butter for our bread.

Everyone dug in without saying a word. The meal passed in silence. I kept stealing glances at Meadow and Wren, sure that it would be one of them to break the peace. When no one moved after eating, I couldn't take it anymore.

"The food was delicious Geilas, thank you. I don't mean to be rude, but we are kind of sitting here just waiting to find out what the hell is going on. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it is odd that you know us and were ready to feed us. You didn't even know we would be here. Hell, we didn't know we would be here. So, kindly spill it. I think we have waited long enough." I folded my arms across my chest and watch everyone with expectation. I figured I would get a death stare from Meadow, but surprisingly, she stared at Geilas waiting for an explanation.

"I believe you have waited long enough ladies. First let me ask, have any of you heard of the Kingdom of Aspyre? The Aspyred peoples?"

I froze, which was unusual for me. I was completely speechless. Of course, I had heard of them.

Ember's Story

"Let's see it again! This time focus on your flips and breath. I have paid enough in tutors and teachers for you to be damn near perfect by now!" My dad yells at me across the room. He was sitter there in his 3-piece suit watching me like a hawk.

I went back to the start of my routine. I was trying out in 3 days for the junior Olympic gymnastics team. I was by far the best in the region, hell probably in the country…but I still couldn't please dear old dad. He was hard on me, like I assume most parents are. I could tell he just wanted me to be my best…or better yet…his best.

"Now take off and do not disappoint me again!"

I ran and started off with a side aerial flip that was followed by a triple full. I had made my 1080-degree twist but when I landed, I bounced backwards and landed right on my back. I shivered as I heard my father leave his place and head towards me on the mat. I already knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

"Didn't I just tell you not to disappoint me" he whisper screams to me. "You are pathetic, I don't know why I waste my time and money one you." He scowls at me trying to decide what he wants to do. He yanks me up off the mat and points for me to start again without another word. I quickly headed towards the corner of our private gymnastic studio to start again. When I looked over to my father, he was talking to a lady I had never seen. He looked at me one last time and left the building.

"Ok dear, I bet you are tired! How about we take a break and I take you for dinner. I'm Danni." The lady seemed nice. She explained to me that she was. She was to be my Au pair for a time while my dad was away handling business. She informed me that I would need to pack a couple bags as she didn't live in the area, and we would be staying at her place for a while.

My father owned a multimillion-dollar tech company called Aspyre. He was the leading CEO in the country, so it was no wonder he pushed me to be my best. He was extremely successful in any area he chose to spend his time. Naturally, I have always lived in his shadow, hoping one day to make him proud enough to take over the family business. As an only child, and no mother in site, this was the only thing I could ever dream of wanting. Apart from my father's love of course.

"How long will I be staying with you Ms. Danni?" I spoke for the first time since I started practicing with my father in the room. Stuff like this happened often as I was growing up and so at the age of 10, it was normal for me to meet new teachers, nannies, and care takers. Let's just say that my father was better at throwing money at a problem and wasn't the easiest of employers. As soon as he felt like I wasn't making progress with someone, he would let them go and another line of people was set up for me.

"Oh probably a few weeks. Your father is going out of the Country for awhile and has placed you in my care until he comes to retrieve you. I promise, we will have a great time, I'm not as…high strung as your father Mr. Kelton. Come, let's go pack all your things!" She led me to the house and helped me pack all of my things. It was almost like I was moving out of my big mansion. If it wasn't for me leaving my furniture here in my room, I would have almost believed it.

After arriving at Danni's house. I could tell she was well off herself. Her house was by no means on the small side. She nodded to a few members of her staff and had them grab my things. She led me in to show me my room. It was extravagant, better even than my room at my father's home. The Kelton mansion was amazing. It had everything I could ever need and then some. But the only thing it missed was that warm and cozy feel. It was like it was more museum than home. Nothing like the home or room I was standing in now.

"Make this place your own Ember! You belong here. When you are all settled, we will go to dinner, and I'll explain some things to you. Chop chop, we're burning daylight." She smiled at me and directed the workers where to put her things. They all left, and I was alone in this new bedroom that seemed to fit every piece of my soul into it.

"Who is this lay?" I asked myself. I finished unpacking and picked out a nice outfit. I went back downstairs and began exploring Danni's home. I entered into a sitting room and admired the artwork on the walls. I had always loved the paintings my father had around our house.

"There you are. I was hoping you would come down here. So, I see you love the artwork!" Danni comes up to me and stares at the scene on the wall. It was a war of sorts with all kinds of creatures of fantasy. It was a beautiful turmoil in a variety of color. I was captivated,

"What is that?" I pointed to the painting.

"That is the battle of the Aspyre peoples. It isn't a very well-known story. I'll have to tell it to you one day. Come let's go eat." She ushered me away from the painting. I made a note that my father's company may have been named after this battle. I wanted to ask Danni more, but we never spoke of it again.

I was with Danni for a year and a joyous year it was. I wasn't held to some kind of impossible standard. I wasn't forced to work so hard at activities I loved just to soon despise them. I was able to be a kid in this year and I almost forgot my father was supposed to come for me after only a few weeks. When my father expressed that he had no intention of ever coming back for me, Danni had no choice but to report me as an abandoned child. One day, she had all my stuff packed and just dropped me off at Ms. Hanafry's home. She never came back…. abandoned yet again!

"Geilas…how do you know the name of my Father's company? Why did my old nanny have a picture in her house about Aspyre? What are you going on about?" I couldn't believe it. I was fuming. Both of my "parental figures" were somehow tied to Aspyre.

"I think you all should prepare for a lot of new things to come to light. Let's start with, I have known all four of you your whole lives." Geilas looks at each of us with clear tenderness in her eyes. She was ready to tell them her story.