Happy Birthday...or Not

Chapter 22


The sun rose through the leaves of the small canopy just outside of the clearing. A single ray had found it's way through the maze of greenery and shone brightly right in my eyes. I had never been camping before, but I could imagine this was a beautifully primitive. All we had with the contents of our travel satchels, sleeping bags, our weapons, and the glorious elements to complete our journeys. I was assuming we would walk a bit and maybe search some cities for the keepers, I never imagined the adventure would take us on ships or to a land filled with creation Gods!

My mind was reeling from the information Geilas had shared the night before. Somewhere out in the Universe is an entrance to another dimension filled with the Gods. Back on Earth I was fascinated with Greek and Celtic Mythology. It is so exciting to realize that somewhere out there, these deities exist. They of course can't come to Bavilan according to Geilas, but maybe one day we would be invited to their dominion, and I would make sure to have a list of questions ready.

I sat up from my sleeping bag, everyone was still snoozing, everyone but Geilas that is. She sat in the same spot she was at the night before, looking off into the distance.

"Geilas, have you been up all night?" I asked her in a hushed voice, trying to give the others a little more shut eye. I definitely didn't want to wake Alda before she was ready, we all know what a disaster that could be, Geilas recently included.

"I dozed off a bit here and there, but I don't need as much rest as you would think. I am a warrior after all, it is my duty to protect you four. So, I stayed watch while you all caught up on some rest. Gods know you will need it!" she replied equally as quiet. I moved closer to her and sat down so we could conversate in normal tones without disturbing our sisters.

"Speaking of Gods, is it normal one came to Meadow last night the minute before her birthday? Surely us being the rightful heirs of Bavilan doesn't afford us that much luxury. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I was curious is all…I wanted to know if we would all meet them."

"It has been a long time since the Gods have blessed anyone with their energy. A lot of Bavilan believes the Gods have died or forsaken us to the Darkness. We are now slaves in a world that was once a paradise. But I believe with the return of the heirs, all will be well once more. I don't know why she came to Meadow, but perhaps it is because they wish us to know that our journey does not start in vain, and they are on our side."

This made me sit back and relax a bit. Clearly if we had Gods on our side, we would be successful. I just hoped that success did not come with too much of a loss for Bavilan. I listened to the nature around us as the stream trickled quietly behind us. It really was a beautiful world. The colors of the forest were different from Earth. Everything was vibrant and felt more…real… if that makes sense. It felt like these are the colors that are meant to decorate such beautiful backdrops. I watched a morning dew drip on a coral-colored leaf fall right on Alda's lips. Her eyes immediately shot open.

She sat up stretched and then decided to turn towards us with a smile out of this world.

"Goooooood morning sisters! What a delightful way to wake. It is so tranquil out here. Can you hear that stream, mmm I could stay here forever."

"Not me too stuffy." I said with a semi disgusted look on my face.

"I second that! Not enough air flow for my liking" Ember chimes in with sleep still in her eyes. She smiles at the radiant Alda and begins to stir.

"You know what today is…come on guys its time!!!" Alda sings turning her attention to a still slumbering Meadow. I smiled and stood with her, followed by Ember.

"Ready…set…go!" Ember laughs out.

We all scream "It's your birthday" and jump on Meadow before we start singing.

Another year around the Sun,

And 'round the moon too

Another year of loves and laughs

As we gather to celebrate you

Another year together

For we're never far apart

Happy Birthday Meadow

From the Bottom of our hearts

"Whoo!" we yelled in unison after the song. Meadow giggled underneath us, playing as if she was trying to get out from under our weight. She wasn't trying hard at all.

"Ha! Thanks, you guys! I wouldn't want to spend this day with anyone else. You guys are the best. I love y'all!" She exclaims as she tried to hold back happy tears. She glances over at Geilas who has her mouth wide open.

"What?" I asked the gaping giant.

"How do you know the Bavilan birthday song?" She looks bewildered as if she can't figure out what just happened.

"What do you mean the Bavilan birthday song!? We made that song up together years ago. It wasn't like anyone else celebrated us, so we were each other's family." Ember scolded Geilas like she had just committed a treasonable offense.

"I'm sorry to say this my dear, but you did not make that song up. It is the universal solar return song we sing to our loved ones here. Bavilan must have called out to you in small ways over the year. Subconsciously, you all were still connected to this realm."

"How is that possible?" Meadow inquired.

"I'm not really sure, but I know someone who does in Everbloom Bay. So we will ask once we get there. Let's pack up, we only have a couple hours before we arrive."

I had this excitement building in my stomach. With the deities, Meadow's birthday, going to our first city in Bavilan, searching for our keepers. The list went on of all the mysteries we were to discover. Something told me today was going to be a great day.

***Two Hours Later

"The port city is just through the trees and over the next hill. Are you guys ready to make your debut into Bavilan society?" Geilas asked us before proceeding.

"As ready as we will ever be." Meadow smiled.

"Do we really have a choice here?" Ember crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, showing she did not want to be paraded around like some uppity royal.

"Oh hush, you will be fine. We will all be just fine and you know it." Alda slapped the crossed arms away and pinched Embers cheek, causing a smile to crack through that tough exterior.

"I was ready three weeks ago. I can't wait to see what people look like here, what about the Solstice festival? I wonder if we will be able to attend? I wonder what the ship will look like that we will have? I hope we get to meet some kind a cool creature you see in mythology. I wonder if they would think I'm rude if I stare at their horns? I always wondered what they were made of." I naturally rambled as my excitement was about to explode.

"Let's go them shall we?" Geilas led the way through the trees, Ember huffed and the rest of us raced after her. She was climbing the hill, her long legs carrying her strides farther than ours. It doesn't her she is more familiar with the terrain.

We raced after her, Ember included, enjoying our excited glee. I looked behind me at the joy in my sisters faces. It was wonderful to see and experience after everything we have been through. I was still heading upwards when I collided with a tree like surface. I fell backwards, rolling down the hill a couple feet. When I stood back up, I realized the tree I had run into was actually Geilas standing at the top of the hill.

I stood up ready to start back up when Meadow grabbed my arm. I looked at her and something in her eyes told me something wasn't quite right. I turned back to Geilas and noticed her breathing was heavy. Her shoulders were heaving as if she were having a hard time breathing.

"Geilas?" Alda spoke up in a quiet voice as all of us moved closer to our tattooed protector.

"How…how can this be?" Geilas was at a loss for words. She turned to us with tears in her eyes before turning back to the sight that had her dumbstruck. We decided to keep walking, linked by our arms, ready to face whatever. We needed to see what she was seeing. It was as if a force was telling us we had to see.

I can say right now, I thoroughly disliked that force.