Miracle Wielders

"Yes, I have used the Miracle Elixir, madam tower admin," I answered immediately. I wasn't stupid enough to show my dissatisfaction towards the Tower admin of the Earth Realm over a little grievance. For me, it was more about extra compensation than about my grievances regarding the unfair tutorial but seeing that Tower Admin was not having it I chose not to bring it up again.

"Sigh, I always wanted to know what miracle I would be bestowed. Anyway, what miracle were you bestowed with?" The Tower admin sighed learning that I had already used the miracle elixir but curiously asked me about the miracle I was bestowed with. Seeing that even the Tower admin lusted for a miracle elixir I couldn't help but re-evaluate the reward's given to me as compensation by Lich King Grayroch.

"I was bestowed with the Miracle of creation, madam." I knew that Tower Admin was interested in the miracle I was bestowed with because she no longer played with herself and instead glazed at me with eager eyes. So I answered the Tower Admin while commanding the Red Ant I drew earlier to shift to 3D form and move around putting on a demonstration for the Tower admin.

"Miracle of Creation, I see, you must have been awarded the Meta Miracle Artist, since you painted this Ant to life," said the Tower admin.

"Yes, you are correct, madam. I was awarded the Meta Miracle Artist. You seem to know a lot about miracle elixir." I tried a little flattery, hoping it would work. Not that I was underestimating the Tower admin because she looked like a cat but I believed even the gods were weak to flattery.

"Yes, I do because I have met a few miracle wielders, especially the predecessors of the Miracle of Creation. The wielder of Miracle of Creation, the one before you, was awarded the Meta Miracle Artisan. He could imbue life into his sculptures. He was the strongest golem alchemist I had ever known. Yet he died trying to defend his realm in mortal realm wars. Pity he was a brave and kind soul like all the other Miracles wielders." The Tower admin got emotional as she spoke of the predecessor of the Miracle of Creation holding the Meta Miracle Artisan. Her relationship with Miracle Artisan seemed to be more than that of a mere acquaintance.

"Tower Admin if you don't mind could you give me some pointers on how to use Miracle of Creation." I was genuinely looking for some pointers on how to use the miracle of creation to my advantage but also trying to associate with the Tower Admin since I would never get such an opportunity again.

"..." The Tower admin gave me a look and then proceed to say, "Seeing your Red Ant, I can tell that your understanding of the miracle of creation is shallow. But that is up to you to explore. All I can tell you is to stop painting as an observer and start painting as a creator."

"Senior's words are too profound, this junior has failed to understand them. I beg you to point this Junior where I have gone wrong." Seeing that the Tower Master was willing to advise me on how to use the Miracle of Creation I was delighted but I did not understand what she was trying to convey.

"All of you rookies are the same, you guys want to be spoon feed and never try to learn through your efforts as if you guys are allergic to hard work. This is why I hate the custom of greeting the Realm's 1st Mortal Reigner." The Tower admin nagged and continued to say, "What I am trying to say is don't just paint what you observe, you are no longer a mere artist but a Miracle Artist with the Miracle of Creation, you wield the power of creation so you should act like a creator. Don't just paint what you gathered by observing, but paint its destiny and fate.

Let's take the Red Ant you painted for example, what is its gender? Is it a male or female? What is its role? Is it a worker ant or a soldier Ant or the queen? What is its purpose in life? Is it to serve you or supposed to survive as a part of a swarm? How strong is it? How long is its lifespan? Is it capable of reproduction or not? What is its personality? Is it brave or cowardly? Which is it? These are the details you need to fill in as a creator.

As a regular Artist, your art is limited to what you see but as a Miracle Artist, your art has no limit, after all, you are capable of creating life through your art."

Though Tower Admin nagged at first she still elaborated her advice allowing me to understand where I was going wrong. She didn't have to repeat herself twice to me. I had gotten the gist of what she was saying.

Following the tower admin's advice, I grabbed the notebook and began to draw a red ant with my blood ink skill, again, but this time I didn't just focus on painting it but also visualized that it was a brave male soldier ant that wouldn't hesitate to die protecting its master and no it cannot reproduce and has a lifespan of a day. And then chanted, "Miracle of Creation."

[Congratulations! Your Red Ant painting has met the conditions for the skill 'Miracle of Creation(Unique).'

Do you wish to imbue life into your Red Ant painting?


Caution: This skill consumes health points when stamina points are not enough.]

"Yes," Since I already knew that it would cost me 10 stamina points at max to imbue life into the Red Ant painting I didn't hesitate and answered resolutely.

[Stamina: 65/130(-50)>>64/130(-50)]

[You consumed 1 stamina point to create a Red Ant(Common).]

The Red Ant painted on the notebook page crawled out of the paper and stood tall expressing its joy for life and desire to serve me through the connection we shared. I immediately focused on the tiny blue dot on the Red Ant's forehead, it expanded into a blue translucent status window,

[Art: Red Ant(Common)

Level: 0 (Exp: 0%)

Health: 10/10

Stamina: 10/10

Strength: 0.1

Agility: 0.2

Defense: 0.1

Intelligence: 0.1

Skills: Bite, Dimension Shift

Bite: The Red Ant's bite can deal damage of 0.5 health points at the expanse of 1 stamina point.

Dimension Shift: The Art Red Ant can shift between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional forms.]