First Meeting

Seo Jun looks around his room, ensuring no one has entered since he arrived. It is daytime in Greece, and his father most likely has not sent anyone to watch him yet. Taking the opportunity to go out and look around, Jun starts at the dive shop to ask a few questions.

Jasmine is wandering around the dive shop, looking to replace some of her equipment. When her heart begins to race, she looks around, confused, not knowing what to expect, when her eyes meet the man from her vision the day before. Seo Jun stands in the doorway, his heart pounding loudly in his ears, as Jasmine slowly walks toward him, thinking he is not real. Reaching out her hand, Jasmine touches Seo Jun's face softly. Seo Jun grabs Jasmine's hand to hold it against his face.

"Who are you? " Jasmine thinks to herself as she cannot seem to open her mouth to speak.

"I am Seo Jun; you have an item that belongs to me. Who are you ?" Seo Jun tells her his deep voice sends shivers down Jasmine's spine. Looking confused at him, Jasmine wonders if he read her mind. Seeing her confusion Seo Jun smiles at her; taking her hand, he takes her out of the dive shop. Seo Jun doesn't let go or stop till they are alone.

"Don't be afraid I promise I will not harm you in any way. Yes, I could hear your thoughts. I am only able to hear the thoughts of my destined one. Being able to do this makes me believe that you are her. You found a small pearl shard in your dive yesterday. it is a piece of this one." Seo Jun opens his shirt and shows Jasmine his piece. Jasmine looks at it and takes the piece from her jean pocket. The two elements begin to glow brightly, pulsating with heat and energy. Jasmine brings her part closer to the one Seo Jun's ears. The shard in Jasmine's hand flies out and towards Seo Jun. Time stops as the two pieces collide; a hand catches the newly melded fragment restarting time.

"Gigi, why are you here?" Jasmine asks the woman standing next to them. Seo Jun looks at the beautiful woman, not knowing what to think of her. Her silver hair is nearly translucent. Seo Jun seems to be drawn to her and starts to step toward her.

"Stop right there, dragon; I am not here for you. I am Jasmine's family. I came to make sure your pearl is restored and ensure her safety." GiGi informs Seo Jun.

Seo Jun turns to Jasmine, stuttering.

"You are a siren!" Seo Jun turns to Jasmine

"No, not really; my family is kind of complicated. Why did GiGi call you a dragon?" Jasmine asks Seo Jun.

"I am an off the dragon clan. I cannot shift outside of human form since my pearl is broken. Only my soulmate can see it to touch it. That is why I came to look for you. " Seo Jun tells Jasmine hoping that she accepts him.

"Oh, that's cool. My dad is a nine tail, so I know about shapeshifting. Don't worry; you will fit in perfectly with my family. Just don't be an arrogant, overbearing male." Jasmine smiles impishly up at Seo Jun's shocked face. Giggling, Jasmine runs and gives GiGi a big tight hug. Seo Jun is speechless at the woman in front of him.

"Now I think real introductions are in order. Seo Jun, this is Jasmine Kaji; her father is Shiro Kaji. " GiGi tells Seo Jun, watching his surprise at the name.

" The Shiro Kaji of Kaji & Mori, my father has been doing business with them for years. " Seo Jun tells them.

"Many people want to do business with my dad, but he is very selective in his choices. So you a real dragon? Which type are you?" Jasmine asks, trying to sound uninterested.

"I am a silver dragon. I used to be able to control all the elements. I hope once my pearl is restored, I will do so again." Seo Jun smiles proudly at Jasmine.

"So you are like me, mom, grandmother, and a few of my cousins. You are a light bearer; I am also one with the added abilities of a nine tail." Jasmine smiles back, flicking her fingers and drenching Seo Jun with a water spray from a nearby fountain. Giggling, Jasmine waves and runs into a crowd of people leaving Seo Jun and GiGi alone.

"Don't mind her; she is a little immature at times. It's the elders' fault we have indulged the children. I'm sure you have questions. You may ask anything you want as I will answer. Let's find a shady place ." GiGi tells Seo Jun looking around; she sees a cafe where they can sit quietly. Walking towards the restaurant Seo Jun just silently follows the elder's lead.

Sitting under a large umbrella in a cool area, the two size each other up quickly.

"Ok, so I have guessed you are a siren and somehow related to Jasmine. What I am not sure about is where I fit in?" Seo Jun asks GiGi

"Well, for starters, I am here to protect my family. I agreed to stay close by wherever Jasmine went. She has decided she wants to dive around many of the ancient cities of myth. Since I cannot allow myself to be seen in siren form, I either go invisible or change to a sea creature when in the water. When she got into the water yesterday, your shard began to glow. Since I am a celestial, I could see it as well. Since it was not glowing before she entered, I knew it was meant for her to find. I did not know it belonged to a dragon or that he would claim her as his mate. I might have caused a small quake to bury it deeper if I had. You know you dragons do not have the best reputation for treating your mates well." GiGi explains with a touch of sarcasm.

"I admit we dragons can be quite temperamental. We can even be quite cold to others. Not all of us are ruthless; some of us do a great deal of good in this world." Seo Jun glared back at GiGi.

"Keep your glare for someone who deserves it. Like Jasmine told you, her family is no ordinary family. She has the blood of several celestials as well as a nine tail. Jasmine has been taught some deadly skills to defend herself. It's her heart I worry over. She is only seventeen and full of romantic notions. If you cannot love and protect her, I tell you to leave her alone. " GiGi warns Seo Jun.

"I have been drawn to her since I first saw her in a vision. I believe that I can love only her. My father is trying to strip the last of my powers which will kill me. He is demanding that I go through the marriage ritual in thirty days. If I go through that ritual with anyone other than Jasmine, my powers will be gone, and I will die soon. My father is the one who broke my pearl when I defied him. He has since ruled the dragons with a ruthless iron claw. I am not sure why now he wants me dead. I know I need to do the ritual with Jasmine and find my shards." Seo Jun tells GiGi his desperation is breaking his voice.

"I think I know why; Jasmine comes of age on the next lunar eclipse. It will be a time when five planets are in line. If your pearl is repaired on that day, it will drain all his power. You are his heir as long as you have your pearl. He will have no choice but to relinquish his rule. If you are dead, he retains his rule until another silver dragon is born. Let me guess none of your siblings have mates yet. A silver dragon must be six hundred years old to inherit its father's powers. Your sixth hundredth birthday is coming. Even if your pearl is broken, you have a shard. It is enough to call all the other pieces to it on that day. Suppose he can force you to marry anyone other than Jasmine. You lose everything, and he retains his rule. He didn't need you to be dead before, but now he does. Jasmine will help you find the shards. She loves adventures. Do not worry about the marriage ritual if it has to occur and only if Jasmine is ready. I can assure you it will happen. Now I am going; you find Jasmine. Get to know who she truly is and find out if you can truly love her. If she agrees, you have nothing to worry about anymore. " GiGi smiles at Seo Jun and walks away, quickly disappearing from his sight. Seo Jun shakes his head in wonder over the afternoon events. Walking back towards the hotel, Seo Jun notices the sun begins to set. Sighing at the situation, Seo Jun sits on the ground and looks out.

Jasmine lays on her bed, looking out the window. Thinking over what GiGi told her.

"Hey, Jun GiGi explained what is going on. I don't know if I can do what you want me to do. I will try to help you find your pearl shards. I don't know if I like you yet. Can we try being friends first?" Jasmine's thoughts fill Seo Jun's mind warming his entire body with her presence.

"We can do that. Just promise not to let any other man touch you. I was furious last time when I saw a man touch your waist in a vision. " Seo Jun replies.