A change in time

Ari screams out in pain as she tries to push the babe out. The egg beneath the bed begins to glow brighter as it pulls the baby dragon from its mothers womb. Selene spreads Ari's legs and sees the egg hatching a claw breaking through it. The vision she saw is coming true. This can't happen. Selene starts to mumble words under her breath. Freezing everyone in the room but Chen ,Jasmine and herself.

"What can we do that is a dragons claw not a baby?" Selene asks Chen.

"The egg will take the dragon away in its place we have this." Chen opens a box from beneath his robes. Inside is a newly born babe that already has passed.

"This child was stillborn , it never had a chance to live. If we have this child here none will know about the dragon of old. Everyone will believe that it was just a baby not meant to be born and a mother who bled to much. It is better than what is really inside of her. What is inside of her brakes Seo Taizu's mind. His grief over losing her and not understanding how it happened breaks him. We are trying to keep him from breaking." Chen tells Selene as he gently pulls the half hatched egg from inside of Ari out. The room begins to vibrate with a loud deafening sound . The egg and dragon begin to shake and distort as they are sucked into the egg beneath the bed . When they are gone Chen lays the still born babe beside a dying Ari.

Selene restarts time she asks one of the maids to get the master.

Taizu comes inside along with Ari's husband , her mother and Seo Jun.

"I'm sorry I was not stronger. I know I am dying that I have lost to much blood. I stopped feeling my child move weeks ago and knew it was possibly already dead. My love I'm so sorry to have to say goodbye." Ari whispers to her husband as her breathing becomes shallow. There is a noise coming from the closet. Seo Jun opens it and finds Seo Shin crying holding Chloe in his arms.

"Big sister tried so hard to keep her baby alive. Now they both are gone, Chloe can't die so I renounce her as my mate." Seo Shin races out of the room as each family member says their goodbyes. Chen and Jasmine have already left to come back to the present. Seo Jun can still sense her presence in the past. He knows that his mate was close but who was she? Seo Jun asks himself . Seo Taizu's anger and grief is unbearable as he leaves the room . Leaving his wife to take care of the funeral Seo Taizu goes to the hidden chamber beneath the house. Inside a man is waiting for him.

"Izeal , why did you summon me?" Seo Taizu demands . The man turns to Taizu his dark face filled with scars. The pungent smell of rotting flesh fills the room.

"I wanted to know how you are enjoying your newest grand child. A gift from the master." Izeal begins to laugh thinking about the dragon of old must have devoured its mother by now.

"My grandchild and my daughter have died. The child was stillborn." Taizu tells Izeal choking back the tears.

"What that is impossible, the master impregnated your daughter himself with a dragon of old. It should have devoured her." Izeal looks stunned at the news. With a snap of his fingers Taizu and Izeal are in Ari room. There lying on the bed mother and child look peaceful as if asleep. Izeal can't believe that the masters plan did not work. Izeal turns to Taizu taking his throat in his hands. Izeal begins to squeeze the life from him.

"You will bring back the old days where you obey and serve the master. This shall become the fate of each of your children. You no longer will have a choice. " Izeal puts his mouth close to Taizu's mouth releasing a parasite inside him. Izeal laughs as he disappears knowing that Taizu will have no choice now but to obey. Taizu begins to shake violently as the parasite begins to root itself inside his brain.

"No matter what I must save my children. I cannot allow Seo Jun become ruler and suffer my fate. I must find away to strip him of his powers or kill him myself. I cannot let him suffer this fate." Taizu cried out before fully being taken over. Selene over hears what happened knowing it's time for her and Inari to leave. Luckily the charms they wore is working but for how long. If the evil one get a hold of them all will be lost. Selene begins to cast a spell over Taizu.

"I'm sorry my friend for what has happened. All I can do is help lighten the pain. It will not change future events but it someday may help save your soul. " Selene whispers in Taizu's ear. Placing her hands over Taizu's ears Selene is able to stop the parasite from fully taking control of Taizu's mind. He will have some of his will , even if it's just a little it is enough to remind him of his love for his family and people. The parasite can still control him but Taizu will be able to fight back and lessen the carnage it desires. That is all she can do sadly Selene goes to find Inari to prepare for their departure.

Back in the present Jasmine and Chen are sitting in Aisling's garden with Selene.

"It was Izeal , Taizu has a parasite inside him controlling his actions. Izeal and the evil one planned on Ari's death to make Taizu willing serve them. Instead he was forced after the change. Thus allowing us the opportunity to help save his soul. That was your goal Chen." Selene looks at the man sitting next to her . The softness of her voice shows her grief.

"Yes unfortunately, there was no way to defeat them at that time. All we could do was make them a little weaker. The evil one was never able to fully control the dragons unlike his other victims. To him it was his only defeat. " Chen tells Selene. Jasmine looks at the two and shakes her head. They should be together .

"What I don't understand is why is the parasite still alive? Everything that the evil one touched should have died when he was defeated." Selene as Chen.

"That I do not know unless it has ,but because Taizu has been under its control for so long he doesn't know that it's gone." Chen wonders if it is even possible.

"No that can't be because mom said that my great grandmother changed instantly. Once the control of the evil one was gone she was completely different. Is it possible that Izeal used a parasite that was separate from them. That it had a will of it's own outside of following the evil one. That it wasn't bred by the evil one or Izeal. " Jasmine asks the two celestials knowing that they are not supposed to use the evils names. Jasmine become nervous over this conversation. Sensing Jasmine's anxiety Chen reaches out to hold her hand.

"Don't fret our conversation cannot bring him back. I will go speak with the others and see if we can figure out what type of parasite Taizu has. Jasmine you need to find the last shards and reform Seo Jun's pearl. Time is running out. " Chen hugs Jasmine goodbye before he shimmers away. Selene looks at the girl wishing that she could have done more in the past.

"Aunt Selene don't be upset. You did all you could have back then. Until we know how to heal Taizu we will do what we set out to do. I'm just happy knowing that Seo Jun's father destroyed his pearl thinking it would save him. That he isn't as evil as I believed. " Jasmine stands to go inside.

"You still cannot tell Seo Jun what you have learned. If you do he will not do what may need to be done . He may think that he can go easy on him when he cannot. Once everything is done father will find a way to save his soul but it may not be his fate to continue to live. If Seo Jun falters all could be lost. Don't give him hope when there may be none." Selene warns Jasmine before she shimmers away. Jasmine sits on the cool grass and begins to cry.

" merciful father , give me the strength and guidance I need. Help me to find all the shards within the time frame. Most importantly help my husband's family become whole once more. Amen." Jasmine prays for help. Morrigan puts her hand on Jasmine's shoulder.

"Child, don't fret to much all will work out. The road will not be easy but in the end it will be worth it. I will return your babe when we know if it will be safe from Taizu. Now let's go talk to your grandmother about going to meet Taizu." Morrigan takes Jasmine's hand to go inside.