Chen’s temple

Back at the temple Chen is helping with the memorial ceremony. Aisling sits in the room where it will be held . Looking around she sees the alter in the center of the room. Admiring the beauty craftsmanship of the room Aisling begins preparations. Unable to help herself Aisling gently touches the embellished gong making it ring. The high columns painted red brightens the room with the contrasting gold of the statues. The building itself is laid out and designed as a traditional home facing the south with a spirit wall to protect it. The room is so peaceful compared to the busy vender stalls just outside.

Taking the photograph of HeJin she places it on the alter. Tears fill her eyes as she looks at the picture. Closing her eyes Aisling begins to meditate on her memories of HeJin. Before she can fully lose herself in meditation, Aisling feels the presence of Seo Taizu close. It's no much his presence as it's the parasite's battle with him being here in this place.