Lucian and GiGi step in

City's heart expands at how happy he is that he is not protecting Seo Jun alone. Knowing that the celestials are here to help City knows there is nothing to worry about.

"I assume that Chen or Selene told you what happened to Seo Ki?" City asks Lucian.

"Uh no , when you are connected to one you are connected to all of us. We all know what happened. When we are not close by we do not get everything but enough to know when we are needed. I'm off to corner the lady . Just in time it seems she is trying to leave." Lucian walks away heading for Li. City watches as the celestial collides with Li.

"Excuse me ma'am you need to watch where you are going." Lucian glares at Li pretending to be drunk. Knocking her luggage over nearly causing her to fall.

"Me , you are the one who ran into me. Look where you are going. I suggest if you cannot hold your liquor you don't drink." Li glares at Lucian trying to walk past him.