Miko’s visit

"How could I he brought me such love and happiness. At first I was frightened when I found out. I was worried that he would not stay or love us. You see there are so many stories told about mythical beings that take children's souls for evil. I was fearful that was the case. When I had your uncle and he was the child that your dad had replaced everything was reset. I had already grown to love your father for who he was. He is my son and no one would ever change that. Besides I got to have two sons when if he had not done that I would not have any." Miko tells Jasmine. 

Jasmine thinks about what her grandmother said and wonders what is in their attic that belongs to her Dads past. 

Sitting by the roses deep in thought Jasmine doesn't notice that her grandmother Miko has come to sit with her. 

"I know that at times the celestial and creature sides of our family can be overwhelming." Miko softly tells Jasmine startling her in the process.