Helping Theresa 2

Jose watches as Astila quickly repairs the leg and saves it. The leg will be permanently scarred and she most likely need a cane to walk with. It still will be better than being in a wheelchair or confined to bed. Astila looks at the scans of her kidneys. As he studied them he sees a small cluster where the blood is not flowing. 

Opening his connection to Moll Astila explains the situation with Mrs. Santiago. 

"We brought Alex and William as the girl had a mass in her lungs. I can send them there once she is in her room alone." Moll tells him. 

"I will let you know when to send them. Have Yona take care of the hospital bills and find yhem a new place to live." Astila tells Moll. 

"Already done, you should be seeing him once he finds them a house." Moll tells him. 

Closing the connection for now Astila watches over Mrs. Santiago as they set up the Dyailsis machine. 

The chief arrives and comes into the room.