Stalling till the Navy arrives

The two pirates leave the cabin thinking it is empty. Once they are gone Astila begins to think of a new plan. 

"If the baby is keeping Jasmine safe by making it seem as if we are not here. Let's use it to our advantage. I'm sure once we separate only those with Jasmine will remain hidden. Who wants to play a game of cat and mouse?" Astila asks. 

"I think the ladies should stay together and if possible stay hidden. We don't know how long the baby can keep them hidden.". Wufan says as he peers out of the room through a crack in the door. 

" i wil go out first and see if I can figure out how many are on board. " Astila moves towards the door when he hears yelling. O

"What do you mean they are not on board ! " the captain yells as he is confronted. 

Meanwhile a few miles to the south the commander of the navy ship is receiving new orders.