Real identity

In the police station archives in Sun City Township, Howard frowned tightly, with a cigarette in his mouth, constantly searching for information related to Jenny on the computer. His eyes were red, and an inch of soot finally fell on the back of his hand. Howard was unconscious, letting the ashes shake off and inserting half of the cigarette into the hill-like ashtray.

He exhaled a long puff of smoke and folded his upper arms behind his head. He was not satisfied with the result of finding no such person in front of him. The creaking sound of the seatback woke Jennifer, lying on a pile of documents, from her stupor.

Howard also wondered if he was too sensitive. The two names he heard might be the woman's nonsense when unconscious. Still, he regarded it as a clue that the other party deliberately left. However, he recalled the scene carefully, his professional sensitivity made him notice Rocky's micro-expression when he heard her murmur, and he believed that his guess was not unreasonable.

"You go back first. It's taking more time than I thought."

Jennifer smiled lightly, without any intention of leaving. "Maybe, I should change direction."

"Yeah, there is a big gap in our population registration. How can it be possible that only 30 years of online information entry is possible." Howard patted the table and raised his voice, "In this way, let's screen the missing persons again! "

"Is it possible that these two names are not people's names but places?"

"Doesn't rule out the possibility."

Howard stood up, pinched his waist, slowly twisted his neck back and forth, and said, "So, Jennifer, you arrange to check all the city-related places related to these two names and then check the disappearances in the past twenty years. Report the case, organize two documents and give them back to me; let's go! It's time for us to go home and sleep; at least, we should change our clothes; what do you think?"

"Okay, my big sheriff." Jennifer adjusted her hair, tugged at her wrinkled clothes, waved to Howard, and left.

Howard did not leave but sat down again. He entered the computer system, called up the missing person inquiry page, entered Jenny's name, and nearly a hundred pieces of related information popped up. He checked them one by one, turned over the missing person registration for almost ten years, and found nothing.

He continued to inquire and pulled the time to the information registration of nearly 20 years. He did not see a face similar to Jenny, nor did he find anything special. A familiar face flashed on the computer screen until he was annoyed that he could no longer take out a cigarette from the shriveled cigarette case. He carefully observed the repeated comparison with the woman in his mind. For sure, it's her!

Jenny in the photo looks mature and capable in a professional dress. There is just one thing that makes Howard feel a little strange. Not Jenny's family reported the case, but several of her creditors. The description of the situation is probably like this: Jenny, Neil, and others borrowed a sum of money as a turnover of funds, and then the money was not paid off, but the people disappeared, and there has been no news since then. However, when he saw Jenny's date of birth, Howard's first reaction was that he was probably looking for the wrong person. Otherwise, he couldn't explain the woman he saw in the early hours of this morning—even though the light was not that bright—the woman was in her fifties, after all.

Soon Howard found personal information about Jenny through her full name. However, due to her age, the information was not all entered into the computer and displayed only her paper file number, school, occupation, and other information on the computer.

If Howard wanted to see Jenny's file, he would have to run to the paper file storage room on the first floor, shake off an inch of dust from a pile of cobweb-covered file racks, and dig it out.

Howard stood up and poured a sip of cold coffee into his mouth indiscriminately, trying to refresh himself, but he just swallowed halfway and found that there was some soot floating in the cup. He spits the remaining half of the coffee back into the cup and then pouts.

Howard opened the door of the archives room on the first floor. Looking through the light of the two dim chandeliers, the archives room was not as bad as he had imagined. Although the ground is full of dust, one step at a time, fortunately, there are no spider webs and mice. He quickly locked the area based on the number of the file rack. As he forcibly pulled out the "target" from the archives that seemed dusty and untouched for a hundred years, the archives frame. All the archives seemed fine, madly shaking off the dust all over his body, and the dust enveloped him for a while. In front of Howard's eyes, he couldn't help coughing.

He walked quickly to the ventilated place at the door and couldn't wait to open the file KG426619. The document details Jenny's date of birth: February 5, 1935, birthplace: Gotham City, St. Mark's District, Prince's Road, Anderson Private Hospital, School: St. Mark's University of the Arts Occupation: Freelance painter. 1935--1945 Living in St. Mary's Orphanage.

Date of adoption: March 16, 1945, Adopted by the Hopkins family, Signed with their signatures. The documents are accompanied by birth certificates, academic certificates, personal photos, the company's business qualifications, assets and liabilities, a disappearance certificate, and other miscellaneous documents.

Howard is looking at the thing in front of him with all his attention, thinking about the various possibilities of the case. He doubted in his heart. At first glance, he would think that this was just the disappearance of the world after the arrears. Still, it did not leave any clues, and the police force at that time did not make any progress in the follow-up investigation.

She's highly educated, her file is clean, and she has no criminal behavior. Generally speaking, such a person is unlikely to commit a crime. Of course, after she escapes, it is also possible to hide in Phoenix and be sheltered by a criminal group to do illegal business. After all, it is a place where you must be careful when driving a police car.

At this time, a figure came behind him. "I knew that if you couldn't find anything, you wouldn't leave."

Howard was startled, and when he looked back, it was Jennifer. "Here is the list of places I found related to those two names and the people related to them."

"Didn't I tell you to go home?" Howard took the information and opened it to look at it. "The consequences of not executing the order are dire."

Suddenly, he again saw the familiar name "St. Mary's Orphanage" among the characters.

Jennifer also noticed that Howard's eyes stayed on the relevant information about the Santa Maria Orphanage at the moment and said aside, "It may be just a coincidence, but I think it should let you know."

Howard raised his head and looked at Jennifer.

"I heard from Mario that the owner of that house, the former Deputy Sheriff Jack, used to be an orphan."

"so what?"

"The orphanage he was in was called St. Mary's."

"Give me a copy of his file at the police station!"

"It has been printed out and is in your hands."

Howard hurriedly turned to Jack's relevant information. After reading it, he was shocked - not only did Jack and Jenny live in the same orphanage called St. Mary's, but Jack was a few years older than her. In terms of time, they must have known.