Uninvited guest

Jack tiptoed to the half-shattered window with the gun in hand and observed the surrounding movement. Seeing nothing abnormal within visible range, he moved to the door. He slowly pushed the door open with the muzzle of the gun, watched the movement, and continued to walk outside the house.

The exterior house was shrouded in darkness, and the visible range was minimal. He held his gun, ready to shoot at any moment, and looked around. A gust of wind passed, but there was no movement other than the rustling of leaves and the deep chirping of birds and insects. The wind blew the black cloud covering the moon, revealing a small gap just through the bright white moon. The moonlight instantly drove away from the darkness in front of him, and as far as Jack's eyes could see, he stepped across the grass and ran to the grove dozens of meters away. He remembered that when he was a child, he had seen a wild boar in the woods before him at midnight. At that time, he thought a wolf was behind those scarlet eyes. He shot down, probably hitting the back leg of the wild boar or something, and the wild boar groaned in pain and fled. Therefore, based on his experience, I think wild boars rarely come to the yard where humans live.

The dark clouds sliding in the sky blocked the moon, the light was gone, and the darkness shrouded like a net again. At this time, a dark shadow flashed past him and appeared at the fence outside the house. He quickly aimed a shot, and the shadow moved very fast; one turned over and jumped off the wall, Jack shot several times in a row, and the bullets splattered behind him, but they didn't hit the target. The shadow disappeared into the darkness in the corner of the house after climbing over the fence.

Jack gasped heavily, changing bullets.

"How are you over there?" Charlie called out to Jack outside the house, guns in both hands.

"Stay inside!"

Just as Jack was changing bullets, the shadow jumped up from behind Jack and rushed towards him like a flying ghost. It threw Jack to the ground, and Jack held the shotgun against the dagger the shadow had stabbed at him. Jack recognizes that the other party should be a woman from the other party's body shape. Jack twisted, pushed the woman away, and stood in front of the woman again after rolling on the ground a few times. Before he could raise the gun in his hand and aim it, he was kicked away by the woman with a heavy kick. Jack, who flew out, slammed into the door with a muffled sound, the door shattered in an instant, and Jack crouched down on the tattered door.

"Charlie, run," Jack yelled to Charlie, then went to grab the shotgun that set aside.

The black figure pulled out a bow and arrow with a red light at both ends from behind, took the hand, pulled it complete, and shot it out in the blink of an eye. The icy arrow pierced Jack's palm towards the shotgun, pierced through the floor, and pinned his hand firmly to the ground.

Jack let out a painful roar and kept cursing. He wanted to use the other hand to break the arrow pinned to his palm but was knocked out by the black shadow.

Charlie raised his gun and fired several shots at the shadow at the door until he ran out of bullets. I saw that the shadow turned over and jumped dexterously to avoid all the shells, and jumped into the air and onto the roof beam. Charlie took the opportunity to run outside the house. Before he could reach the door, he heard two "whoosh" sounds from behind him, a calm wind blew past his ears, and two arrows with a cold light slammed into the floor and stopped in front of Charlie.

Charlie stopped where he was and slowly raised his hands above his head. He gasped for breath, knowing that if he took another step forward, an arrow from behind him might pierce his thin body.

The shadow jumped from the roof beam and landed lightly, almost silently, like a cat jumping from a height. She strolled towards Charlie. Although Charlie couldn't hear the approaching footsteps, he could still feel a chill approaching him from behind. He felt his hair stand on end. He turned around slowly until a gradually clear face came from the darkness.

That is a woman, and she is Gadot.