087 Half-Elf_1

Humans in this world are, in fact, a unique existence.

That's because they don't have reproductive barriers with any other race.

Think about it, it's really a wondrous thing.

A troll and an elf can't have offspring.

But a human can have offspring with a troll or an elf.

So, some human scholars have argued that humans are the chosen race by gods!

Other races have come forward to declare that this is complete nonsense.

However, the undeniable fact is that only humans can mate with any other race.

The offspring between humans and elves are generally known as half-elves, those with the beast tribe, as half-beasts, and those with trolls, as half-trolls...and so on.

However, the race that has coupled most with humans is the elf race.

After all, elves fit humans' aesthetic appeal.

On the other hand, the races of beasts, trolls, naga, goblins and the likes, barring a few warriors with unique tastes, few humans would find them desirable...