335 Conversion_1

Countess Schultz felt as though she had slept through a long dream.

In her dream, she had seen the Lord of Glory.

The Lord had touched her forehead gently, as if saying something.

But the oracle of God was something Schultz's countess found herself unable to understand clearly, as if something was interrupting her connection with the Lord, preventing them from communicating.

When she opened her eyes, Countess Schultz found herself still in her bedroom at Swan Castle. Through the hazy moonlight pouring through the window, she saw Colin sitting in front of her, calmly watching her.

Countess Schultz thought she should be terrified, but in her eyes, Colin was enveloped in a halo of holiness.

As though in a dream, the image of the Lord of Glory she had just seen overlapped with the face of the young viscount in front of her!