408 Meeting_1

The main lounge of White Dew Fortress is extravagantly and luxuriously furnished. The arch dome, made from hundred-year-old redwood from the Bright Moon Forest, is covered in gold foil and studded with precious gemstones, adorned with crystal chandeliers. Using these precious decorations and the changing light, a skilled artist depicted the exciting epic of the first Holy Knight from the St. Prowse Family battling in all four directions.

It's extravagant, yet rich with an artistic touch. It's grand and majestic without falling into vulgarity.

Beautiful maids, trained with care by the Duke's court, led them in, presenting the three seated guests with a variety of fruits, pastries, and silver wine pots. They filled each guest's wine cup with clear liquor; a delicate yet rich, strange aroma of wine spread through the lounge.