614 New Plan_1

Dense, black clouds obstructed the moonlight, casting only a dull glow.

The heavy rain had not yet subsided, and rumbling thunder periodically rolled across the sky.

Knight Maiko leaned against a Phoenix Tree, searing pain coursing through every inch of his body. It felt as if all the injuries he had accumulated over time were erupting at once.

Nevertheless, he kept an alert eye on the solitary figure in front of him—

Mr. Ji.

News of this man's exploits were no longer secrets among the nobles of the Glorious Empire.

Furthermore, the Royal Family had specifically instructed all territorial lords to increase security in large cities with populations exceeding three hundred thousand to prevent any insane mage from replicating Mr. Ji's deeds in Fallen Eagle City.

Even though this infamous knight had just helped him escape Wind Whisper City, Knight Maiko was still concerned about ulterior motives.