Chapter 34 Hunting

The car arrived at the north gate, where the soldiers from the army came to check.

Shi Lei showed his documents, and the gate quickly let them through.

Zhao Liang, sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't stop talking.

"Tsk! Every time I see this city wall, I feel amazed. People from centuries ago were really incredible. They were able to build such a large city while fighting monsters. If it weren't for this city wall, I don't think my grandfather would have been born in this world, let alone me."

Lin Zhen smiled: "This city wall is indeed very important."

"Of course, it's important. Look at the bones of the mutated beasts under the city wall. Those white ashes have been left behind from when the monsters attacked the city and were burned. It's a pity that I've never experienced a monster attack on the city since I became a martial artist. When I think about the scene filled with monsters, I can't help but feel excited!"