Chapter 36: Swords, Spears and Guns

The woman next to Li Mengxi was initially interested in Lin Zhen, but upon hearing Li Mengxi's words, she immediately asked, "Mengxi, who is this handsome fellow?"

Li Mengxi turned to the woman beside her and said, "Ruoruo, this is Lin Zhen, my former neighbor, the one I've mentioned to you before...."

"Oh! He's the one who used to pursue you, isn't he? He's quite handsome, but why does he seem familiar?"

The reason Lin Zhen looked familiar was naturally due to the video of his fight with Zhang Huai.

However, Lin Zhen knew that his fame lay mainly within the circles of martial arts students. Teams like these that were often out on missions were no longer in the category of ordinary students.

Take Li Mengxi and Ruoruo for example. Both women were now late-stage Level Nine Warriors. Because they fought mutated beasts regularly, they had more combat experience and greater abilities than their peers, and their courage and skills exceeded those of typical students.