Chapter 49: Comprehension of the Storm

The group quickly gathered, with Gao Yan in the middle. His sniper rifle seemed powerless against the vast multitude of birds that filled the sky, so he simply squatted down, occasionally shooting upwards.

The Brain-eating Swallows screeched down from above, covering the sky and earth with seemingly no dead angles. There were literally thousands of them. This was a moment that truly tested a martial artist's real strength.

"Broken Water Sword!" Shi Lei's long sword was the standard configuration for a martial artist. His standardized sword skill unleashed a shower of radiating sword light, cutting down the Brain-eating Swallows one by one.

At this time, Ye Tiancheng's performance was even better than Shi Lei's. His twin swords danced, and the characteristic sword Qi of a Dark Force Warrior crisscrossed, killing at an even faster speed.