Chapter 52: Taking Sides

Lin Zhen continued, "Old Hu from our martial arts school has decided to quit and join the Wan Hao Group. He hasn't left yet because he's probably collecting information about us within the martial arts school. I think he saw the video that Ye Tiancheng posted on our internal network, which is how our location was leaked."

"Old Hu... that damn bastard! Has he forgotten how the martial arts school raised him?" Hearing this news, Zhao Liang clenched his teeth in anger.

"The Demon God Squad must have contacts with Old Hu, or maybe someone else is pulling strings, but that's not important anymore. The important thing is, we are in a very dangerous position right now. Since others know where we are, they can naturally determine our next move. There might be even more ambushes waiting for us."

Zhao Liang nodded, "You're right, Lin Zhen. So, what should we do now?"

"There's no good solution, but there is a simple one."

"What is it?"