Chapter 62: Take Action

Lin Zhen glanced at Xu Mao, slightly turned his body to the side to prevent the others from peering into his backpack, then took out a bunch of shiny objects.

"These are C-level Mutated Beast Crystals, worth at least a million each. These fifty are worth more than fifty million. Here, take them."

Lin Zhen handed the items to Xu Mao, zipped up his backpack quickly, and then said to Shi Lei and Ye Tiancheng, "Captain, Ye Tiancheng, I remember I said before that we should act separately. I never intended to actively join you guys. This money shouldn't be paid by me. Please transfer twenty-five million each to my account."

Lin Zhen didn't mince words. Since Shi Lei and Ye Tiancheng chose to trust Xu Mao, they had to take responsibility for their actions. Lin Zhen would never cover the cost for them.

Shi Lei was speechless. He didn't think there was anything wrong with Lin Zhen's request and immediately transferred twenty-five million to him.