Chapter 67: Opening an Online Store

On the second day, Lin Zhen did not return to the martial arts hall. Instead, he first ordered a bottle of Chi-assist medicine online.

Entering the warrior phase is a crucial step, and Lin Zhen had long understood what kind of Chi-assist medicine he needed.

The price of a bottle of Chi-assist medicine is 100 million, and Lin Zhen chose private customization, which added another 100 million, so the remaining 900 million instantly became 700 million. Lin Zhen could describe his spending like water.

After communicating with the technology department and paying the deposit, Lin Zhen bought some virtual chip helmets, preparing to start selling things.

Merely spending money without earning it was no good. What he wanted to sell was the first layer of the Nine Layers Spear River.

Nine Layers Spear River was an ancient scripture. Ordinary people did not know its origin, but Lin Zhen did.