Chapter 100: Kill One Person in Ten Steps

After leaving the small building, Lin Zhen flew at a low altitude and quickly found another hiding place.

This place was a civilian residence, Lin Zhen entered without leaving any footprints.

Inside the room, Lin Zhen rested near the window, from where he could observe the outside situation at any time.

"If I can't find a place to break through this time, the situation will be very passive. Moreover, breaking through is not that simple. I need to absorb the Dark Energy Stone, condense the Dark Star, and practice gravity. This process alone would take at least a day or even more. I must find a safe location."

"But now, many people in Zhao Dong County City are looking for me. Where exactly is a safe place?"

Lin Zhen felt a headache, as finding a safe place under such circumstances was not easy. No matter where he went, enemies could attack at any time, making it impossible to stay for more than a day.