Chapter 107: Mourning Activity for Lin Zhen (Seeking Subscription)

In the snowstorm, snowflakes danced around the planet core. Lin Zhen now had a Dantian Qi, and he didn't need to use his hands; he could drive the planet core directly to his Dantian with his spiritual power.

What he needed was not the stone of the planet core itself, but the energy, gravity, and thunder inside it.

Under the wrapping of Dantian Qi, these forces began to pour into Lin Zhen's body.

This was an extremely dangerous process. Lin Zhen was still solidifying his Dantian on one side while absorbing the planet core's energy on the other. If anything went wrong during this process, it would not be as simple as wasted efforts – it could leave Lin Zhen crippled or even dead.

Severe pain struck as the Dantian absorbed power at the crucial moment, suddenly being infused with an external force. This kind of pain was unbearable for ordinary people.