Chapter 111: Revenge (Fifth request for votes)

Killing Ouyang Yu with a single punch, Lin Zhen felt a surge of relief in his heart. This man wasn't very powerful, but extremely despicable. His actions were the catalyst for the ruin of Lin Zhen's past life.

Even though in this life, he posed no threat to Lin Zhen, revenge remained a necessity. What was the point of reincarnation if not to eradicate his enemies?

The two lower-ranked war generals had already fled, disappearing completely. The battlefield was now left to Lin Zhen and Zhang Huai.

Although Lin Zhen stood unarmed, Zhang Huai was entirely devoid of the courage to resist him. The looming threat of death nearly pushed Zhang Huai to the brink of collapse.

When he saw Du Yanhu nailed dead onto a distant wall, and heard the cries of Ouyang Yu behind him, Zhang Huai even lost the will to flee.

Falling to the ground, he crawled forward with all his fours, a rancid smell spreading out from his lower body.