Chapter 147: Human Shield (Six Ge Arrives)

The northern region of the Star Fruit Tree is the least populated, whether it's the east, south, or west, there are more people than in the north.

It's because the three directions can enjoy the sunlight. The Star Fruit Tree absorbs cosmic energy, but the largest constant star body closest to the tree is the sun. Sunlight is also one form of cosmic energy and one of the largest sources.

The north is never exposed to sunlight, so the innate conditions are insufficient, and the birth of Star Crystals becomes extremely difficult.

Lin Zhen and Su Mingyue walked out of the dense forest in the north. Su Mingyue asked, "Which direction should we go in?"

"Let's go to the ant nest on the west side. Although there are more people there, we will have to interact with the crowd sooner or later. Besides, I have such a strong bodyguard like Su Saintess. If we don't dare to take a risk, we'd be too timid," Lin Zhen replied.