Chapter 155: Squad Reorganization (Guaranteed 2 updates)

Before accepting the challenge, Lin Zhen had a headache about how to get a Planet Crystal, because without handing a Planet Crystal to Brother Guang, he couldn't initiate a team battle.

Lin Zhen wanted to go out and borrow one, but martial artists regarded Star Crystals as more important than their lives, so he couldn't borrow one.

Su Mingyue saw that Lin Zhen was a little troubled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing much, it's just that we may not be able to secure third place without a Planet Crystal. We can't initiate a team battle, so we're basically destined to lose," Lin Zhen replied.

To his surprise, Su Mingyue smiled and said, "That's alright; I've already handed over the Planet Crystal, so go ahead."

"Ah! Where did you get the Planet Crystal?" Lin Zhen asked.

"I borrowed it from someone," Su Mingyue winked.

"Who did you borrow it from?" Su Mingyue spent all day cultivating in the tree hole and hardly ever went out, so who could she have borrowed it from?