Chapter 167: No Need for a Single Move (Guaranteed One Update)

Lin Zhen was of course well aware of everyone's attitude, even the attitudes of his teammates.

Being the leader of these few heaven's favored sons was not an easy task. If he couldn't show strength greater than theirs, he wouldn't be able to win their respect.

The three of them had taken care of their opponents with one move each, partly to show off to Lin Zhen, even though they were mostly joking and still believed in Lin Zhen's abilities.

However, Lin Zhen couldn't afford to lose. A leader had to maintain their status, as losing to a teammate would be disastrous.

He slowly walked onto the stage, where the opposing team's leader was already waiting.

The man glared at Lin Zhen, his eyes full of hate. "Kid, I have to admit, you're really lucky to have gathered such a group of strong teammates. But you're nothing more than someone who relies on others' strengths, just a rat dressed in tiger's clothing. If we compare abilities, you're probably the weakest in your own team, right?"