Chapter 170: Going Against the Current (4th update)

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, there was immediately a buzz of voices all around.

"Has Lin Zhen gone mad? There's such a huge gap in power, why even bother to fight?"

"Foolish, so utterly foolish! Going in knowing he can't match their strength, a wise man would not do this."

"Alas! It's over. I thought Lin Zhen and his team were going to rise, but the boss Zhou merely lifted his finger, and they were completely suppressed. They probably won't see daybreak anymore."

"It's also because Lin Zhen and his team were too sharp; Boss Zhou was worried it would affect his position."

"What! Didn't you hear what Boss Zhou just said? Lin Zhen's girlfriend caught the eye of the Little Overlord, this is his idea to repress Lin Zhen completely, so that his girlfriend will give up on him."

"No way, the Little Overlord is actually doing this for a woman?"