Chapter 177: Three Months Later, Sky Dome (Fourth Update)

Inside the tree hollow, Jiang Huai and the others were still cultivating.

Brother Guang had exhausted all his efforts at the ant nest, sending almost all the Constant Star Crystals he could collect to them. This allowed Jiang Huai and others to maintain a fast cultivation speed.

Li Changying opened her eyes and exhaled deeply, "Phew! I did it, the fifth level, I finally completed the fifth level of Dantian Qi compression!"

Jiang Huai smiled and patted Li Changying on the shoulder, "Congratulations! Even though you were one day slower than me."

"Humph! The road to cultivation has no end, the mere difference of one day means nothing. I will surpass you next time." Li Changying was unconvinced.

"Alright, I'll be waiting. But let's see about those two. They should also have made their breakthroughs by now."