Chapter 182: One Person Surrounds 100 People (Guaranteed 2nd Update)

"What the hell? How did he get there?"

"Did those people over there go crazy? Who gave Lin Zhen the way?"

"We didn't let him through, he came by himself."

"Are you saying I'm blind? With so many of you packed together, how could he pass without you making way?"

These martial artists were a bit confused, no one would have thought that Lin Zhen would actually have such miraculous psychokinesis teleportation ability, some were at a loss.

However, the more than twenty corpses on the ground clearly told them that it was best not to oppose Lin Zhen, otherwise, they would die ugly.

"Where are the Four Gods? You incited us to go forward, but now you've retreated? Hurry up and attack!"

Hua Cangtian and the others were exposed to Lin Zhen's line of sight as they were surrounded by the martial artists.

The three of them, together with Tong Huan, looked at each other, unsure of what to do next.

The first person to make a move was Tong Huan.