Chapter 184: Gale Young Master (Guaranteed 2nd Update)

Within the beehive, Lin Zhen sat near the huge mound of soil, never leaving it, day or night.

Whenever a Constant Star Crystal appeared, Lin Zhen would pick it first. The mutated bees had already lost their ability to pose a substantial threat to him.

In the extradimensional space, he had compressed the Dantian air to half of the ninefold. He aimed to compress the Dantian air even further in the next few days, reaching a level ten times its intensity.

About 25 to 30 Constant Star Crystals could be produced by the mound of soil each day. Although they were not as good as those in the extradimensional space, at least they could still improve his skills.

Apart from here, Constant Star Crystals were also continuously sent from the Ant Nest. All the crystals harvested from these two places were now provided for Lin Zhen's use.

Lin Zhen had made a rough estimate, he would need about 500 Star Crystals to advance to ten times compression.