Chapter 189: Lin Zhen VS Overlord (Seventh Update Arrived)

However, it's not that easy for these martial artists to intercept Lin Zhen. Now that the Sky Dome has broken, Lin Zhen's teleportation can finally be fully utilized. He flashed a few times on the square and quickly arrived near the platform where the host was standing. More than a dozen corpses lay on the ground.

"Ding Sheng! It's up to you!"

Yue Feng roared, and Ding Sheng immediately flew up.

"Lin Zhen, you won't get past me!"

Ding Sheng said and suddenly raised his hand, a long golden silk appeared out of thin air, wrapping around Lin Zhen's waist!

"What is this...?" Lin Zhen was shocked.

"Haha! This is a treasure the curator brought out from the ruins of an ancient god. This golden silk is almost impossible to break free from. Lin Zhen, you're on one side, and I'm on the other with the golden silk connected between us. If you can, try teleporting with me. Otherwise, you'll never get away!"