Chapter 235: The Secret of Lightning Wings (Third Update)

After obtaining the Lightning Wings, Lin Zhen left Ice City the next day and headed to Yi Lan county town.

For Lin Zhen at present, Yi Lan posed no threat at all. Even if the A-level Mutant Beast, the giant palm bear, confronted him, Lin Zhen would easily kill it with a single shot.

The reason he came here was because no War God experts would come, so he could focus on studying the Lightning Wings in peace.

Three days later, on the top floor of a shopping mall in Yi Lan, Lin Zhen returned to the place where he had stayed before, and sat cross-legged on the rooftop.

The wings of the Lightning Wings unfolded behind him, and strands of lightning ion power entered them.

The Lightning Wings gently swayed behind Lin Zhen, with arcs of electricity leaping on them, a result of being nourished by the lightning ions.