Chapter 245: Domineering Stone Transformation (Fourth Update)

Lin Zhen knew that Xiao Nuan was reacting to the threat of the S-level Mutated Poisonous Scorpion up ahead, so he quickly calmed Xiao Nuan down to prevent any rash actions.

An S-level Mutated Beast has power comparable to the Star Realm. Although beasts of the same level are generally not as strong as martial artists, their power is still quite formidable, so Lin Zhen didn't want Xiao Nuan to take any risks.

Even though Galaxy Beasts are born with the power of the Star Realm, making Xiao Nuan equivalent to an S-level Mutated Beast now, there were several Poisonous Scorpions at Crane Lake.

And Lin Zhen wanted to test himself to see if he could defeat an S-level Mutated Beast on his own.

He had Xiao Nuan stay in place and not move.

Xiao Nuan seemed to understand Lin Zhen's intent, and it really didn't move, just sitting there and swaying its long tail a few times.

After tossing it a large piece of crab meat, Lin Zhen headed towards Crane Lake alone.