Chapter 249: Elimination Round Begins (3rd update)

After Hansen's money was transferred, Lin Zhen immediately added fifty billion to secure the set of Seven Stars Knives.

He had stayed in the Five Connected Pools for three months, and the price of Star Artifact had fallen further. Now, a High Grade Celestial Device worth a hundred billion was definitely the top quality among them.

Prices for ordinary weapons were around twenty to thirty billion, while armor ranged from fifty to sixty billion. Only the prices of auxiliary types remained high.

After obtaining the Seven Stars Knives, the First Blood reward ended, Lin Zhen only had two billion left, and still owed forty billion in debt.

About an hour later, the Seven Stars Knives were delivered to Lin Zhen.

As Lin Zhen held the set of knives, he felt an indescribable joy.

The seven knives were about a foot long, more like large daggers, and each knife looked exactly the same in material, color, weight, and quality.