Chapter 257: Destruction of the Star Realm! (Third Update)

Lin Zhen had been planning this move for a long time, making Old John gradually lower his guard until it arrived.

Xiao Nuan was indeed a Galaxy Beast, but it had only been born a few days ago and only had the power of the early stage of the Star Core. Lin Zhen couldn't let it recklessly face a Star Realm expert.

Only when Old John became less vigilant could Lin Zhen use Thunder Kill, with flying knives to restrain him. This flying knife was Lin Zhen's Radiant Flying Knife, already fully infused, reaching the level of a top-quality Star Artifact, and even Old John, a Star Realm expert, had to take it seriously.

With the restriction of the flying knife, Old John didn't have time to interrupt Lin Zhen's teleportation, allowing Lin Zhen to smoothly execute Thunder Kill.

Of course, Old John could still dodge, this was when Xiao Nuan's importance came into play, suddenly striking, biting Old John tightly, leaving him nowhere to dodge and forced to withstand Thunder Kill!