Chapter 263: A Moment of Life and Death! (5 Updates)

From the moment Lin Zhen threw his spear, he put all his skills to use without hesitation.

Although Huo Luofu was strong, and Lin Zhen himself was injured, Lin Zhen's tactics were unpredictable. He needed to defeat Huo Luofu in head-to-head combat. If Lin Zhen lost today, the result would be very unfavorable for him.

Not to mention losing the championship and its significant impact on Lin Zhen's future plans, Huo Luofu might also take advantage of the situation to pursue and kill him. If Lin Zhen could lose to Huo Luofu on the stage, he wouldn't be able to win in real life either.

Only by defeating him could Lin Zhen completely crush him!

The Broken Jade Spear rained down like a torrential downpour, filling the sky with spear shadows as Lin Zhen aimed to exploit Huo Luofu's only weakness — his lack of speed.

However, this kind of attack didn't produce much effect, mainly because of the top-quality Star Artifact shield in Huo Luofu's hand!