Chapter 297 Sands of the Ganges River

The reason those below the Star Realm couldn't confront the Star Realm Experts was their speed.

Star Realm Experts could fly and teleport, making it impossible for anyone below the Star Realm to surround and kill them, no matter their numbers.

Although Lin Zhen wasn't a Star Realm Expert, he could fly even faster and teleport even farther, giving him the advantage. No matter how many non-Star Realm Experts were present, they couldn't do any effective damage to him.

Watching the scattered and collapsing crowd before him, Lin Zhen even flew around and casually took down more than a dozen people. This caused those who had some thoughts of observing to simply flee in embarrassment, flying away on their aircraft after getting some distance.

Lin Zhen had defeated the majority of his opponents, but he didn't relax.

Just because the War Gods had retreated didn't mean the nearly-Star Realm Experts would give up, as Lin Zhen could see many of them itching to make a move.