Chapter 300: The Battle of Spiritual Power

"What's going on?" Allen asked the Indian elder.

"I don't know what's happening? I feel a force here resisting me."

"Resisting you?"

"Yes, it seems like there is another person manipulating this stone, and his power is fighting mine for control of the stone."

"Not good! It must be Lin Zhen!"

Allen immediately sensed the danger and shouted, "Everyone surround this area! Lin Zhen is still nearby. Once he...!"

Before Allen could finish, the Indian elder suddenly screamed, "It's happening again!"

Then his whole body leaned back, as if he had been struck hard in the head.

"Ah! Lin Zhen, you won't succeed!"

The Indian elder roared, and those around him saw the radiance in his eyes, which was the manifestation of his spiritual power being pushed to the extreme. It was clear that he was fighting someone else with his spiritual power!