Chapter 305: Continuous Surprises

The mission to hunt down Lin Zhen was not an easy one. After the five Holy See hunting squads entered the Ancient God City, besides one squad being responsible for intercepting the entrance, the other four squads went into the second layer.

Each team had two Star Realm experts, including a Star List expert. With such a lineup, killing Lin Zhen was definitely not a problem.

Two teams headed to the South Pole area, and two teams headed to the North Pole area. When they entered, these four teams claimed that they would be able to capture Lin Zhen within half a month.

However, an entire month has now passed, and they haven't even found Lin Zhen's shadow.

Obviously, Lin Zhen has some kind of special evasion method. After many searches, the Holy See finally discovered that Lin Zhen had once obtained a compass as a prize in the War God's Knockout.