Chapter 317: Ice Palace (3 more updates)

Walking alone atop the frozen snow mountain, Lin Zhen's mind was deep in thought.

He still remembered that when he encountered Adams' group, someone had said that his parents had been captured by the church and Yue'er had agreed to Yan Huang's marriage proposal.

Lin Zhen didn't believe that Yue'er would agree to such a thing, but what about his parents? Had they really been captured by the church?

Unfortunately, there was no internet here, so Lin Zhen could not verify such a thing.

Unable to confirm this matter, Lin Zhen couldn't temporarily leave Ancient God City, as his current trip to the church would definitely be a one-way journey.

Feeling the burning wounds on his body and recalling Yan Huang armed with sacred artifacts, followed by the immediate confrontation with Huo Luofu, Lin Zhen deeply felt the importance of sacred artifacts.

If he also had a full set of sacred artifacts, the battle just now wouldn't have turned out like that.