Chapter 320: The Condensation of the Dark Star

The Headhunting Squad set off, and through satellite positioning, it was determined that the great enemy was located to the west of Ice City. All firepower was concentrated to provide cover for the Headhunting Squad.

The limited stock of rocket launchers took turns bombing the area, clearing a vacuum zone to the west. The Headhunting Squad quickly advanced and disappeared from people's sight.

People couldn't see them anymore, but soon a mushroom cloud rose from the distance, indicating that a cover member had self-destructed.

Star List experts assured Base City residents not to worry, and everything was going according to plan.

However, the subsequent live broadcast was not pleasant. A hedgehog-like Mutated Beast fired its spear-like spines in a dense long-range attack. Half of the Headhunting Squad members fell in pools of blood.