Chapter 327: The Temptation of the True God

Watching the fireball explode in the distance, Shen Lixing clenched his phone, his expression pained.

"It's over, the Gods Clan's flying squadron has been completely wiped out, and Allen's phone can't get through either. I guess the chances of him surviving are slim."

This scene was broadcast around the world. Although the destruction of the Gods Clan's forces was gratifying, people were more worried about the fate of Ice City.

"Look, there's someone rushing over there!"

A City Defense Army soldier shouted loudly, pointing at the distance, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

People looked in that direction and saw a person fighting fiercely with a mutated beast in the distance and quickly advancing towards them.

"Oh my God, who is that? He's so fierce!"

"To charge in alone like this, he must be at least a Star Realm expert, or even a Star List expert."

"It seems to be Lin Zhen." An Ning was the first to recognize her sweetheart's figure.