Chapter 335: The Memory of Gunmanship

However, things were not as simple as Yan Huang thought. After dinner, the leader of the ascetic monks spoke with him.

This tall monk was the leader of the bunch, and the more Yan Huang looked at him, the more familiar he seemed.

"We know you, Yan Huang. Lucifer, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Yan Huang hurriedly asked, "May I ask how to address you, senior?"

The tall monk smiled and said, "Your suit of holy light, I wore it four hundred years ago."


Yan Huang, who carried himself with some dignity, was stunned.

The Holy Light Suit was not something just anyone could wear. To don it, one must master the Light Quantum.

The fact that the old man claimed to have worn it four hundred years ago could mean only one thing: this elder was the previous Holy Son, Baggio!

"Are... are you Senior Baggio?"

The elderly man nodded subtly, adjusted his white hair a bit, revealing a somewhat recognizable face.