Chapter 367: 3 Years Later

There are very few life-and-death battles between the members of the Heavenly Star List, unless there are particularly huge benefits involved.

It had been some days since Lin Zhen entered the Heavenly Star List. The members from other countries merely glanced at him before focusing their attention back on the sea's surface.

Lin Zhen had a particularly deep impression of one person.

That man, clad in white robes, had sharp blue eyes. He floated in the air as if he was merging with heaven and earth.

Moreover, he stared at Lin Zhen for an especially long time, and even said, "Young people from Hua Xia are truly extraordinary - to destroy the Star Sky Divine Teaching. They are destined for great things."

An Bihuai looked at the man in white with caution, "Kate, you're a grown man, you can't possibly want to become an enemy with a young man because of the Gods Clan issue, right?"