Chapter 371: Earth's Calamity Arrives

These three days were the most chaotic in the world.

Reactions from governments around the world varied, with the Hua Xia Government putting full faith in Lin Zhen's words.

After all, Lin Zhen's identity and status were now different, as a high-level fighter on the Heavenly Star List, especially someone like him who cares for his country, is truly the backbone of a nation.

In the eyes of Hua Xia's top officials, even if they were to join the Tianhe Empire in the future, their position would most likely depend on the number of advanced martial artists they have.

Of course, many high-level officials believe that the government should maintain a leading role, which has been a deeply ingrained mindset for thousands of years. They want Lin Zhen to contribute to the nation but are reluctant to give up power, feeling conflicted and fearful.